Top 7 effective ways to get glowing skin naturally

Who doesn’t wish to look charming and make a long-lasting impression among others? After your outfit, it’s your skin which any person notices in you, and we are sure you do not want to miss out any chance of getting attention from your friends, colleagues or any opposite gender for that case. So here we have brought you 7 easy effective habits to make your skin glow like sun-kissed every time and look as fresh as a cucumber even at the call off of your day.

1. Binge water drinking

Binge water drinking

Binge-watching is a new fad these days, but why not to try something healthier? You should keep your body hydrated and drink 5-7 liters of water per day depending on your BMI. Drinking a glass of water after leaving bed every morning increases your metabolism. An adequate amount of water in the body helps in releasing all the toxins from the body and apart from keeping your skin healthy it also gives many health benefits. If you struggle to make yourself remember to drink water then you can take the help of water reminder apps available on your phone. Drink water in every hour or two and you will see an observable change in your skin within a week after practicing this.

2. Keep your skin clean

Keep your skin clean

Every little thing needs some pampering, so does your skin. Clean your face with a good face wash (the one that suits your skin) twice a day, after leaving the bed and before going to bed. If your skin is dry do not forget to moisturize your face after the wash. It helps in reducing the large pores in your skin and balances the pH of your skin. For oily skin, preferably one which contains charcoal in it. Regular cleaning of your face helps in removing all the dirt and dust particles from the epidermis and it also removes the dead cells from your skin. Make sure you massage your skin for 2-5 minutes while washing your face so that it can take away all the dirt at once.

3. Use sunscreen

Use sunscreen

Make it a thumb rule to apply sunscreen of high SPF (depending upon the time your skin is exposed to sunlight) before going out during day time. Normally an SPF of 15-20 is sufficient for your sufficient. But if you are going for prolonged exposure to sunlight or if your skin is tan sensitive then use more than 30 SPF cream. Remember, if your skin is suntanned then you will never get the expected glow on your face. If sunlight work is part of your routine then we suggest you to de-tan your skin with coffee powder on a monthly basis or you can go for professional de-tanning as well. Always mix your sun cream with a pinch of moisturizer if it is not already present in it.

4. Before bedtime

Before bedtime

Like your body, your skin also needs some routine. Make sure you take proper care of your skin before going to bed. After washing your face at night, apply aloe vera gel on your face with a pinch of rose water mixed in it. Aloe vera provides essential external nutrients to your skin and rose water gives cool sensation to the skin which again helps in reducing the open pores. You can also use some serum on your skin during night or the pack of any natural fruit/vegetable can also do wonders. Apart from this make sure your pillow cover and your bed are clean and germs free, do not forget to wash them regularly. The dirt of your pillow covers gets logged on your skin pores and makes your face look dirty. You can also use some eye mask or cucumber on your eyes to reduce the dark circles around your eyes.

5. Shed some sweat

Shed some sweat
USA, Utah, Salt Lake City, Athlete young man drinking water from bottle, cloudy sky in the background

Inculcate any sort of physical exercise such as running, swimming gym or yoga in your daily routine which will not only keep your body healthy but will also help in proper oxidation of your skin and removing all intoxicants. Involving in physical exercises helps in increasing blood flow, the increased blood flow helps in providing oxygen to each part of the body in an adequate amount. Exercise keeps the vital cells of your body active. Also, the increased blood flow provides proper nutrients to your body including your skin. Try to do exercise every morning, if not more then at least for 20 minutes. A proper routine of exercise paves way for healthy body and skin.

6. Weekly routine

Weekly routine

To look different, you need to go that extra mile. Apart from the daily routine, try to have some weekly routine for your face skin which mainly involves the scrubbing, exfoliation or face mask. You can use any good scrub available in the market or a homemade sugar powder, baking soda and lemon mixture scrub also do wonder, after scrubbing your face and removing all surface layer dirt apply a face pack for the duration of 15 minutes. Tap your face with a towel soaked in lukewarm water before applying the mask as it opens all the clogged pores due to which your mask is able to remove all the dirt effectively. Fuller’s earth (Multani mitti) can be the best yet cheapest solution for a face mask or you can also use homemade turmeric, besan, and milk paste to apply on your face. Let the mask dry for 15 minutes and then wash it off. Within 4 weeks of this schedule, your skin will show remarkable results.

7. Healthy diet

Healthy diet

Last but not least a healthy diet is the solution to all your body related problems. Try to include as many fruits/vegetables in your diet as you can. Eat a plate of salad at least once in a day. Avoid all oily and spicy food and limit the usage of caffeine in your daily life. Too much tea/coffee prevents proper oxidation of your skin and makes it look dull. Fresh fruits and vegetables will give a natural glow to your skin as it will stay healthy internally. If at all you are involved in smoking than say a big no to it as it isn’t healthy neither for your body nor for your skin.

This was all from us in making your skin glow naturally and avoiding those expensive cosmetics. Try to imbibe these habits and do share the results you noticed after experimenting.

Check out top skin effective products

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