The Illusion of free will

First off “what is free will?”  Internet says “it’s the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion.” But does such a thing exist? Are we really the writers of our own fate? Are we the captain of our ship sailing across the oceans as we wish? Or are we canoeing in restless rivers going with the flow in the illusion that everything is under control? Are we controlling the world around us? Or is the world around controlling us?                                      

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Whenever you come across a new phenomenon your hippocampus stores it in your memory along with all the emotions you had towards the phenomenon(Don’t forget that emotions are nothing but the reflection of chemical conditions of your body). Each thought you have in the present and all your actions are a product of the present state of the universe. We are all influenced by something or the other in our vicinity and none of those conditions are created by us, and neither do we control our responses to these influences.

The free will of a human is nothing more than a natural phenomenon controlled by forces of nature itself. These controlling forces may be Image result for the illusion of free willsignificantly visible or obscure but nonetheless command man’s ideas and consent throughout his existence. Even reactions compelled in him are due to the actions made by others but not of his free will.

Let me give you an example. You go to a shop and let’s say that you buy a dress and you might think the dress you bought was through your free will. But the very fact that there were a limited number of varieties in the shop forces you to choose among what’s present there and again the reason for you to select a particular dress depends on the state of the universe, e.g.: the price tag, the sizes available, the marketing skills of the seller, your budget, etc. these all factors come together and force you to come to a decision.                                                                                                                                                Most of the businesses make the best use of this by subtly creating an illusion of free will that we are purchasing their product at our own discretion and not by their influence, thereby satisfying our ego. Even if we are clever enough to notice that and we still act in the same manner its because we do not have an alternative to satisfying our needs other than getting influenced anyways.

See the source image

Thoughts give you the illusion of free will as long as you forget that you don’t create your thoughts

What makes the illusion so convincing is that the body is programmed to follow and invest in its thoughts, and so we do. But what’s forgotten/missed/overlooked is that you have no said so in which thoughts arise in you! In order to see this clearly, you have to take a step back and get some space between you and the arising thoughts. Next, sincerely ask yourself, “If I create my thoughts, what is my next thought going to be about?” After all, if you are actually creating your thoughts, you would know every word. But the truth is you don’t.

Note that this is not a bad thing or a good thing, but simply seeing LIFE as it actually is, rather than how we imagine or wish it to be. Another example of the seeing through of the egoic illusion that you create your thoughts is this:See the source image

If my thoughts actually had the power to alter reality, then I could just wish/think/believe that everyone on the freeway should get out of my way so I can get to where I need to go. But the problem with this is that what do you think the person behind me is doing?? That’s right, they want me to get out of the way so they can get where they areImage result for the illusion of free will going!! Do you see how this whole idea of individual control over reality simply falls apart upon close inspection?

We are nothing but the books we read, the movies we watch, the music we listen to, the people we interact with and the daily happenings we experience in our lives.  This argument is absolutely true in every manner but beware that you don’t lose your morals on the way while getting used to it.

Think about what made you click the link to this article. Was it through your own will? I don’t think so, pal. Did you like this write-up? If No, Something has influenced you to do not like this article. You know you should get rid of that feeling.

This is why LIFE’s natural and inherent peace comes from letting go of this egoic illusion of doership, and simply flowing with Life’s natural harmony. It’s a heart based, intuitive, feeling based experience, rather than a head based, thoughts/belief based one.

{If i Ain”t bothering you too much then read this too – Even this article is influenced in innumerable ways and has no free WILL.}

The Palace of Illusions

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