7 Best Apps to track Stock Market

When it comes to investments in stocks, everyone should be regularly updated. In our busy lives, it is very difficult to read the whole newspaper but the traders have to be updated with the market. We have hundreds of apps that can track our investments, but finding the best apps will be crucial because they […]

Habits that will improve you and make you rich

There are no secrets to getting rich overnight. It is a long process and requires strict discipline and certain habits on a daily basis. There are a lot of factors that will help you in getting rich, habits is one of them and is a very important one. There are three types of people in […]

17 key Terms in the Stock market that you should know

Stock Market is a place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell their shares/stocks. Many young enthusiasts who want to enter the stock market but do not possess the basic knowledge of the markets and the common terminologies used in the market. before entering the market it is very essential that we should […]

Attention Taxpayers! Your social media will be monitored by the Income Tax department

A photo of your new house or foreign trip on Instagram, Facebook, etc may lead the tax department to your doorstep.  The Income Tax Department of India has long been on the tail of such evaders and they have struggled to catch up. Black money hence became a mainstay of the Indian economy. High-ranking political […]

Drop Shipping – The New Age Simple and Lucrative Business Model

Doing business is all about smartness with a blended strategy of hard work. The internet has really given us incredible opportunities. In fact, never before it has been possible to start a business with zero investment. There is a new age business model known to very few people. It is called “Drop Shipping”. It is […]