Creating Compelling Content in Video Marketing

Not all video content is created equal. If you decide to pursue video marketing you will want to focus on building high quality and highly targeted material. Much like your website, YouTube viewers decide whether they will keep watching your video within the first few seconds. So you not only need to retain their attention throughout your video but you need to make sure the […]

Top 3 digital marketing mistakes by big brands

Have you wondered how digital marketing is carried out in big companies? From outside it might look like they have the perfect digital marketing strategy. But they do a lot of mistakes and leave out a lot of opportunities along the way. A close friend of mine have worked in more than 5 organizations as […]

How to Get Started with Video Marketing

One of the best places to start your video marketing effort is on YouTube. But before we start setting up an account, let us take a look at what we will be creating. I have gone ahead and pulled up the YouTube channel. This is much like a profile page on other social media networks. Here you can see content that […]

4 ways to make money from digital marketing

What is Digital Marketing all about? Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers. Examples of Digital Marketing: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Content Marketing Social Media Marketing Pay […]