How To Look The Best Version Of Yourself.

We all have heard the saying ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’. This was said by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, she included this phrase in her book ‘Molly Bawn’. While this is certainly true it is also true that in this harsh reality, looks matter.

Now we won’t be able to become someone else in order to become beautiful but we can certainly change ourselves for the better. No one is ugly if they become the best version of themselves but if you don’t do anything thinking you can’t change yourself then you might miss out on a lot.

So here I bring you some tips and tricks that will help you change your appearance if followed honestly.

1. Long thick eyelashes

Long thick eyelashes

Image source: Pinterest

Who doesn’t want beautiful eyelashes? They catch everyone’s attention instantly and enhance the total appearance. Nowadays fake eyelashes and mascara are in trend but they could cause lots of damage to your natural eyelashes. And honestly its quite easy to grow your natural lashes thick and strong.

All you have to do is apply this mixture to your lashes every night before bed. For this serum you’ll need:

  1. A jar
  2. Castor oil 1/3 of the jar
  3. Coconut oil 1/3 of the jar
  4. Vitamin E oil 1/3 of the jar

Mix all of these ingredients with the help of a clean mascara wand or you could use your fingers and apply the serum onto your eyelashes and let it be overnight. You’ll soon notice results. You can also use petroleum jelly on your lashes.

2. Soft pink lips

Soft pink lips

Image source: Pinterest

Not taking good care of lips turn them chapped and dark, which most of the time is covered by lipstick, but have you ever tried lip scrub? Continued usage of lip scrub and lip balm gives you naturally supple and pink lips.

Here’s a dray lip scrub.

  • You’ll need:
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Olive oil
  • Vaseline
  • Lip balm
  • Container

Mix them together and there you have your handmade lip scrub. Use your fingers or toothbrush to rub this mixture on your lips in small circular motions for about 30 seconds, rinse it off with water and a tissue.

3. Voluminous shiny hair

Voluminous shiny hair

Image source: Pinterest

A bad hair day is every girl’s nightmare. Heating and styling hair every day causes the natural shine and thickness to fade away with time, and if you don’t take proper care of your hair if will soon start falling excessively leading to bald spots near the hairline.

Here are a few tips to keep your hair healthy.

1. Minimize shampooing your hair, 1 to 2 times a week, this will reduce the scalp from drying out which may lead to dandruff problems. And when you shampoo your hair, only the scalp needs shampoo the ends need not be scrubbed since that can damage hair.
2. When you apply oil to your hair, try leaving it overnight.
3. Get regular trims. This promotes hair growth as well as reduces split ends.
4. Don’t blow dry your hair every time. Avoid when possible. When blow-drying keep the nozzle at least three inches away from the scalp.
5. Make sure to use a heat protection spray before treating your hair with heat.
6. And of course, use a mask once every week. You can make naturals masks at home using easily found ingredients such as eggs, mayonnaise, aloe vera, etc.

4. Glowing flawless skin.

Glowing flawless skin

Image source: Pinterest

It’s the universal truth: we all want clear skin.
If feels like we are doing the right thing but we just can’t achieve it.

Now there are few rules for it.

1. Know your skin type and use products accordingly.
2. Do skincare routine in the right order, i.e. face wash, exfoliator (not regularly), toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, sunscreen.
3. Remove makeup before bed.
4. Never pick zits.
5. And of course, if you smoke and eat junk foods none of the above might work.

But if you still do all of this and you feel unsatisfied, there are few ingredients in your kitchen that will work wonders, here’s how to use them –
1. Baking soda –
• It can be used as an exfoliator by mixing with salt.
• Make a facemask out of it by mixing it with lemon juice and honey.
• For dark spots mix baking soda, coconut oil, and rosewater.
• Mix 1tbsp baking soda and 4 tbsp apple cider vinegar and apply on the affected area and leave for 15 mins, wash and moisturize. Do a patch test if you’ve sensitive skin, it might irritate.

2. Tumeric –
• Mix a tbsp turmeric powder, a tbsp honey and a tbsp lemon/orange juice for skin lightening, apply for half an hour and rinse.
• Mix half tbsp turmeric powder, 1/2 pureed tomato, and 1 tbsp yogurt to remove suntan, apply for half an hour and rinse.
• To treat wrinkles apply a mixture of turmeric powder, coconut oil, and egg white.
Tip. If the mask leaves a yellowish color on skin, dab a cotton ball in rosewater or coconut/olive oil and rub your face with it.

So here are all the tips I tell everyone I meet because they really do wonders. Take this as a glow-up challenge, follow rigorously for a month or so along with good nutrition and you can certainly see the results. Best of luck. I will come soon with another set of these tips.

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Published by prakriti

In hope of upgrading everyday. Hey there, I'm Prakriti, lover of books sweets and rest. Your cliche wattpadian. Thankyou, have a great day. 💕

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