Top 5 BI Reporting Tools and their Features

Welcome, to yet another blog on BI tool as it plays a very crucial role in automating reports in businesses irrespective of their type and size. Here are 5 such BI reporting tools discussed in detail. 1. Tableau A tableau is a US-based software and the most popular and leading BI tool at present. It […]

Some 95 ways to make money with a blog

Primarily there are some 3 / 4 categories through which you can earn a handsome amount of money. Some of these categories are; Products Affiliates Ads Services Sponsored Posts Let us start about the Products first. E-products like EBook s and online courses are like hot cake right now. If you are specialized in any […]

Creating Compelling Content in Video Marketing

Not all video content is created equal. If you decide to pursue video marketing you will want to focus on building high quality and highly targeted material. Much like your website, YouTube viewers decide whether they will keep watching your video within the first few seconds. So you not only need to retain their attention throughout your video but you need to make sure the […]

Top 3 digital marketing mistakes by big brands

Have you wondered how digital marketing is carried out in big companies? From outside it might look like they have the perfect digital marketing strategy. But they do a lot of mistakes and leave out a lot of opportunities along the way. A close friend of mine have worked in more than 5 organizations as […]

How to Get Started with Video Marketing

One of the best places to start your video marketing effort is on YouTube. But before we start setting up an account, let us take a look at what we will be creating. I have gone ahead and pulled up the YouTube channel. This is much like a profile page on other social media networks. Here you can see content that […]

4 ways to make money from digital marketing

What is Digital Marketing all about? Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers. Examples of Digital Marketing: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Content Marketing Social Media Marketing Pay […]

Top 15 Facts about Drones before you buy one

From the technology point of view, Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) are a wonderful idea. Check Best Selling Drone A perfect example of technological development and the filtering down of military ranking high tech equipment to the masses Nowadays a drone can be picked up for under $50 in most toy stores or superstores […]

Drop Shipping – The New Age Simple and Lucrative Business Model

Doing business is all about smartness with a blended strategy of hard work. The internet has really given us incredible opportunities. In fact, never before it has been possible to start a business with zero investment. There is a new age business model known to very few people. It is called “Drop Shipping”. It is […]

Android App Development – Start-Up Ventures for High School Pass Outs

App Development has become a passion for a modern-day high school pass out students. Either out of curiosity or for the need of some pocket money, the students start to invest some time in making apps. Later they may commercialize them and even launch their own Start-ups. Let us now see some examples of websites […]

Top 5 popular electronics Selling Products on Amazon India

Amazon is the largest E-Commerce platform that acts as a marketplace that seeks to be the Earth’s most customer-centric company, wherein customers can purchase anything that is available online. Amazon believes in Customer Obsession, Passion for Invention and Commitment to Operational Excellence. Amazon has innumerable products on its platform. Out of which, here are the […]