25 Best Weight loss Tips to stay slim forever

Today I am going to share 26 weight loss tips for effective weight loss.

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1.Water – Main thing for everything.

Drink lots and lots of water .It helps in increase the metabolism. If you take water an hour before lunch or dinner it will reduce your hunger and helps in reducing weight.

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Consider eggs for breakfast as egg whites or omlete etc…with one glass of milk.

3.Prefer coffee

Prefer black coffee or coffee with less milk content without sugar it helps in increase metabolism rate by 3–10 %.

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4.Prefer Green Tea

Green tea has antioxidants that will enhance Fat burning like coffee,green tea contains little caffeine percentage.

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5.Intermittent Fasting

It is a Eating Pattern that will reduce the weight by continuous calories intake restriction.

6.Glucomannan Supplement

There is a supplement called glucomannan available in market it will helps in reducing weight.

7.Cut Sugar Intake

Avoid sugar as much as possible in any forms .It is the main component In weight gain.

8.Eat less carbs

Especially for dinner eat foods containing less carbs. There are natural carbs foods available you can take those if you can’t stop eating.

9.Eat More Sea Foods

Seafoods are rich in copper. It will Improve your metabolic process,they will reduce fat regeneration cells and will reduce fat.

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10.Being Mindful at Meals

While eating anything just think of advantages and disadvantages of that food.Eat less and Eat healthy.

11.Start Exercising

Exercise will reduce fat in body and should Be on good diet while exercising.The more you exercise the more fat reduces.

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12.Healthy Foods

Keep healthy foods around in case of hunger you will get when you are on a diet.

13.Eat Spicy Foods

Spicy foods like chilly will helps to reduce fat that will boost your metabolism and will reduces the appetite.


Yoga will reduce stress and relieves your body.But it will take more compared to gym excercises.There are so many poses in yoga that will reduces fat in body.

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15.Weight lifting

Start lifting less weights with more reps to decrease the fat.Weight Lifting will convert fat to muscles.

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Aerobics is an excellent way to reduce fat In your body and also develop physical and mental health.

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17.Eat More Finer

Eating more fibre Increases Chances of weight loss.Almonds are the best thing with more fiber.

18.Vegetables and Fruits

Eat more vegetables and fruits they will contain more fiber and less weight.

Eating less and eating healthy is good for health when you are on diet.


chew slowly will digest your food easily and It will help You eat fewer calories.

20.Good Sleep

Maintain good sleep.sleep deprivation can cause fat gain.

21.Food Addiction

More people have great carving for food.If you carve more drink water to reduce hunger.

22.More Protein

Eat more Protein foods and less carbs foods .It will help in reducing weight.

23.Pre Gym Coffee

Pre workout coffee will Improve your performance in gym. It is because of caffeine presence in coffee.You should not take coffee after gym.

24.Avoid Drinks

Avoid Drinks like Pepsi and another bevareges Which contains more sugar content.These will Increase 60% Risk to obesity in childs and adults.

25.Stay Relaxed

Stress is the main reason for weight gain .so stay relaxed and stay focused on your diet and work.

Hope this information helps.

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